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Is it safe to use alcohol delivery services?

Alcohol delivery services have been on the rise in recent years. The industry has been criticised for its lack of accessibility to minors and its negative impact on public safety.

In recent years, alcohol delivery services have become a way to get alcohol delivered to you without having to show up at a store or restaurant. These services are becoming more popular due to the fact that they provide people with access to alcohol who might not be able to make it out, whether it’s because of work or otherwise.

Bottle shop services have been criticised for being accessible with minors and also having an adverse effect on public safety as it promotes binge drinking and heavy drinking habits among people that might not otherwise consume these substances in this way. This is mainly due to the fact that alcohol delivery companies are often able to send their drivers out.

Delivery services have become popular among both millennials and generation Z because they find it easier to get alcohol delivered right to their doorsteps rather than going out to buy them.

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